Why Trust only Zero Trust in 2024?

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Global businesses' sensitive information loss causes 2023 According to a 2023 survey of Chief Information Security Officers (CISO) worldwide, 36 percent of sensitive data loss at organizations happens because of operating system (OS) vulnerabilities on endpoint devices, such as servers or devices. A further 35 percent of the respondents said external attacks and system misconfiguration... Continue Reading →

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Software Validation Deliverables: A Comprehensive Guide

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In the rapidly evolving tech landscape, where Artificial Intelligence is transforming possibilities, the role of Software Validation Deliverables becomes even more critical.

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NLP & Language sentiments: How are they related?

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In NLP, sentiment analysis is one of the most important applications, which is the process of extracting subjective information from text data, and determining whether the expressed sentiment is positive, negative, or neutral.

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Why HackerRank Interviews are becoming popular, and How to prepare for them?

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HackerRank interviews have become a popular way for companies to assess technical candidates quickly and objectively. Recruiters who are looking for technical candidates for software engineering, data science, cybersecurity, and other related fields tend to use HackerRank. The online platform provides a coding environment, input/output test cases, and time limits, making it a challenging but... Continue Reading →

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